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nano analytik GmbH can offer you
About nano analytik GmbH
nano analytik GmbH aims to simplify the nano
analytics, while enabling new groundbreaking research
Headquartered in 98693 llmenau and represented on 4000 m2
All facilities involved in the manufacturing of our products, are located in Germany
Delivering quality “Made in Germany” at fair working conditions.
Effective use of cleanroom areas on 2000 m2
Publications, News and Projects
Find out about forthcoming Projects, publications and
events with nano analytic GmbH

Research News
The MetExSPM gains attention. nano analytik GmbH is one of the consortium members.

Research News
Melbourne University publishes remarkable advances in deterministic ion implantation

Presentation of novel Nano Fabrication Device at SPIE Advanced Lithography 2021.

Invited talk about Single Atom Dopant Lithography at SPIE Advanced Lithography

Interview by AIP/AVS
Scientists talk about Electron Beam Induced Deposition (EBID) using active cantilever technology.

JVST-B (34) 06K202 (2016)
Pattern-generation and pattern-transfer for single-digit nano devices

INRAM - Industrial AFM
Duration: 2016 - 2018. Development of a compact AFM unit for industrial applications.
Proc. SPIE. 9424 (2015)
Self-actuated, self-sensing cantilever for fast CD measurement

Duration: 2014 - 2016. Novel sensor concepts for air quality measurement.